Attendee Info

"Virtual meetings that showcase the latest suppliers with medical technologies"

Meet the following international suppliers via ZOOM showcasing the latest technology and equipment:

Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)

IOT, Software & Tracking Solutions


Sanitizing Agents and Appliances

Diagnostic Supplies

Medical and Hospital Equipment

And many more....

"Together, Let’s Stop The Pandemic In Its Tracks!"




What Do You Stand To Gain as An Attendee?

  • Gain "First-hand" access and knowledge to technology and equipment NOT showcased to anybody else in your country.
  • All attendees would receive a certificate with your name emblazoned on it upon completion of the Medical Technology Meet.
  • Get Shopping Voucher Worth P5,000.
  • Play a key role in making decisions in bringing in quality suppliers to help with the pandemic.

How to Attend Medical Technology Meet?

  • This exclusive virtual meeting powered by ZOOM is only limited to 10 attendees from bonafide hospitals or recognized medical equipment distributors on a "by invitation" basis.
  • An online application form via an email would be sent to you.
  • Upon filling the form, you would be notified of the status of your application.
  • When your status is approved, a coordinator would be in touch with you to arrange a schedule suitable for you to attend these meetings.

How Long Would the Meeting last?

  • An attendee would need to attend a meeting with 10 different suppliers. However, one supplier would only limit their presentation to NOT more than 10 minutes.
  • Attendees DO NOT NEED to finish all the meetings in a day. The meetings could be spread out in a week from Monday to Friday according to the attendees' schedule.

Our Unique Concept

Minutes of Your Time to make a difference.